Monday, April 7, 2008


Check out two parts to a video from Technocracy Inc., an organization which centers around the idea of a social system based on technology and run by scientists. There are a ton of videos in the series, here are the two links:

Part One -
Part Two -

The Technocracy website from Vancouver also gives a great glimpse into what Technocracy stands for. Here is a link to the FAQ page, a good place to start -

Information on the history of technocracy can be found at their main website. Here, I've linked to a page which describes the foundation's history back to 1921.


J.C. said...

The TechCa site you mention is not actually promoting Technocracy Technate design.
The Tbone channel and links from it do though.
YouTube - TBonePickensetc's Channel Technate videos.
TechCa promotes a dumbed down form of democracy. That is precluded in a Technate... because it would be a special interest group.. and special interest groups control others through contracts of behavior (democracy).
The Technate design precludes that... any special interest of one or a million is not able to control others with their opinions.
There are no laws in a technate. Only violence is dealt with by trained experts... not a prison system... not a judge or jury of ''12 good men''.
Technocracy Technate design is Administration by Science.
It is not an oligarchic people control system.

J.C. said...

By the way.
You may want to google Technocracy Incorporated and also Technocracy movement on wikipedia.
The movement started in 1918 and published its precedent material and Technate design in 1934. That design is based on thermodynamics.
This design is the thing.
It is located in the last two chapters of the Technocracy Study Course.