Wednesday, April 30, 2008

California's going Solar

Southern California has been notorious in recent years for having large scale power outages during the hot summer months. In order to increase the state's power supply and decrease its output of pollutants, the state has developed a plan with 2 major companies to install 2 of the largest solar fields in the world (Link). At the completion of these two projects, the state of California will have increased its energy used from renewable resources to 20%.

Also, FedEx has teamed up with British Petroleum (Believe it or not) to install solar panels on the roofs of its California facilities (Link). The facility in Oakland generates 80% of its total consumed electricity from its rooftop solar panels. If more businesses follow the steps taken by FedEx, then the burning of fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources that pollute the Earth will be diminished.

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